So as women, even today, many feel un-heard, un-acknowledged, and un-seen, and we seek people or places where we can feel validated for who we are, for what we stand for. The sad part is, that this train of thought may have existed years ago but at the backbone of today's reality, even among the intellectuals, the worthy, and the elite, this divide continues.
Penning a poem to elaborate this:
Wear a red dress girl, Go out and shout out,
Through everything and all the chores
When the world just seems to close
Be unapologetically you
Through all of the harsh words
Whenever you felt alone
Just do your thing and go along
Be unapologetically you
When loved ones let you be
To manage on your own
Just find your voice and make a noise
Be unapologetically you
When your advice was scorned
And you felt deeply torn
Just stay strong and know all along
Be unapologetically you
When it feels like even though
You do what everyone tells you to
You still feel short, you tag along
Be unapologetically you
Girl you are the queen
You can adjust your throne
Just sing along, go make your song
Be unapologetically you

The truth is we shy away from life, we cover under the sheets not wanting to face the truth of the matter. This only makes things worse. It takes a lot of courage to fight for what you believe in, to stand tall, even though and in spite of. Like when it does not even make sense anymore.
Our logical mind is the main obstacle to growth I feel. We conjure up these stories to hide behind pain and hurt and abuse. The truth is there is no excuse. No excuse for being not respected for the woman you are and the woman you are going to evolve into.
Be unapologetically you!
Respectfully-- The Storyteller_Mumbai